We are celebrating Mother's Day in the Turks and Caicos Islands!
It's all about me!
Its 8:10am you are hot, bothered and running late. One child is whining about a long list of complaints and the other is refusing to wear uniform, again. You drop them off in a hurry, give a quick kiss, drive in a daze to the office feeling grouchy and wish it was all easier!
Let's face it, it is a tough job being a Mum. Everyday is a battle to get our children orgainsed, to get them fed, dressed and out of the door daily! With all the things to remember in our busy lives it is sometimes difficult to stop and enjoy the special moments with our children and to realize how special each day is!
Celebrations of mothers and motherhood can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who held festivals in honor of the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele, but the clearest modern precedent for Mother’s Day is the early Christian festival known as “Mothering Sunday.” These days it has become one of the biggest holidays for consumer spending!
Well, whatever the reason a day to recognize the role of a mother is important.
Mother's Day Performance
To a packed audience of slightly emotional mums holding cameras, our Preschool children sang their hearts out and swayed to the music. They even jingled their tambourines!
They were a confident little group and seemed to enjoy every minute of it. They enjoyed a cuddle with their mums afterwards.
Next Junior Kindergarten singing two songs with dance moves and action enthralled the audience. Everyone enjoyed the cheeky lyrics of how they drove mummy crazy! These children have certainly come a long way since September. They are growing up into confident performers!
Senior Kindergarten had also learnt two incredibly challenging songs. They drowned out the music with their great singing and were all very adorable. The songs included "A, you're adorable","I love her because she is my mum!", and the "Funny Mummy song".
Here is just a quick sample of all the lyrics the children learnt!
A You're adorable
B You're so beautiful
C You're a cutie full of charms
D You're a darling and
E You're exciting and
F You're a feather in my arms
G You look good to me
H You're so heavenly
I You're the one I idolize
J We're like Jack and Jill
K You're so kissable
L Is the love light in your eyes
M, N, O, P
I could go on all day
Q, R, S, T
Alphabetically speaking you're okay
U Made my life complete
V Means you're very sweet
W, X, Y, Z
It's fun to wander through
The alphabet with you
To tell you what you mean to me
Morning Tea with our Mums
The mums then enjoyed morning tea at the beautifully decorated tables which were adorned with flowers and cards made by the children.
Now that is the perfect way of celebrating Mother's Day in the Turks and Caicos Islands!
Preschool's wonderful MumsJunior Kindergarten's wonderful Mums