Summer Camp At International School
ISTCI SUMMER CAMP With Miss Delia & Miss Barbara Two options available: *Camp 9 a.m - 12 p.m. $20 per session per child *All day camp and after care 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. $40 per day per child Week 1: Monday- Friday June 27, 28, 29, 30 and Jul 1 Week 2: Monday -Thursday July 4, 5, 6, 7 Ages: 2 -6 years Activities Include: *Learning Centers
Nursery School Summer Camp
We are now enrolling for our Nursery School Summer Camp! You may register your child for any individual week (2, 3, 4, or 5 days) or all four weeks. ISTCI Nursery School Summer Camp Flyer The cost of program is $30.00 each half day 8am-12pm and $50.00 each full day 8am-3pm to be paid on the first day of each week. We are not equipped to accept credit cards or checks therefore payments are to be made in cash. We have wonderful fun filled themes and plans including Circle games and song, Organized games and soft play, Daily...
Occupational Therapist Seminar
Occupational Therapist Seminar Saturday 4th June 9.30 am At Nursery School ISTCI Presented by Charlis Robins, Occupational Therapist
International School Sports Day 2016 at TCI National Sports Track
International School Sports Day 2016 at TCI National Sports Track There was a great sense of excitement and anticipation as our young athletes took part in the ISTCI Track and Field Sports day 2016 at the TCI National Sports track and stadium on Venetian Road, Providenciales. The children excelled themselves in terms of energy, preparation and effort as they rotated in class groups from one sporting event to the next. Challenges included throwing competition, long jump, sprint relay, basketball, football dribble, water...
Grade 1,
Grade 2,
Grade 3,
Grade 4,
Grade 5,
Grade 6,
School News,
Senior Kindergarten,