What a fabulous start to Term 2 we’ve had in Preschool
It was wonderful to have a relaxing Christmas break, and now we’re back in the swing of things at school.
Our fun topics for our preschoolers have been ice/snow, arctic animals, healthy eating, and weather.
Exploring Ice and Snow!
Everyone went crazy in preschool for our frozen animal rescue. I froze some of our plastic animals in a Tupperware bowl filled with water. I showed it to our class and said, “Oh no! Our animals have been frozen, and we need to help rescue them!”
We used different tools to figure out the best way to break the ice. Some patiently tapped their hammers against the ice, while others really got into the activity, shouting, “It’s okay animals, WE’RE COMING TO HELP YOU… DON’T WORRY!”
The Caribbean sun was of course, on our side, and didn’t take too long to ‘free’ our animals. After they were able to break the block of ice apart into smaller pieces, they knew they could squeeze it with their hands ‘til it completely melted.
Talk about a total workout for fine-motor skills for our preschool! We had so much fun with the ice, that later on in the week, that we brought out ice cubes to help us cool down on the playground.
Eating Healthy Foods
Another big hit and fun topic for our preschoolers was our healthy food picnic. We asked everyone to bring in a healthy snack to share, and we had a picnic outside on our playground. Lucky for us, the weather was great that day (I mean really, when is it not…?!) and we all had a great time together.
The most popular snacks (aka the first to be eaten) were watermelon, strawberry and mango salad, yogurt, and rice cake.
The students also loved painting vegetable soup. We got to stamp paint with a real potato and stalks of celery!
The Great Outdoors
For outside fun day, we LOVED painting with our… feet! What a funny sensation that felt like!
I held onto their hands while they stomped around, until they felt comfortable to walk on their own.
I can’t speak as a parent (since I don’t have kids yet!) But as a teacher- I can say it is a nice feeling to know you are wanted and needed as a security, but even more exciting to know that the child you are helping feels confident enough to try something new on their own.
Making the most of the weather
For weather week, we loved our science experiment of making a storm. We used a see-thru plastic cup with water. We added in paper clips (to look like flashes of lightning.) Then we squirted shaving cream on top, to represent clouds.
Everyone’s almost favorite part was squeezing blue food coloring (raindrops) on top of the shaving cream. I shook the plastic cup, and the blue drops sunk below the shaving cream. We made it rain! Everyone got a chance to feel inside the cup and loved touching the rainy clouds.
Such an exciting start to our new term for our preschoolers!