Giant Sea Snails at the Caicos Conch Farm
- February 21, 2017
- Category: Extra Curricular Activities (Clubs), Grade 3

Grade 3 visit the Caicos Conch Farm

This term in topic, Grade 3 have been learning all about the beautiful Turks and Caicos islands.

As part of our learning, we took a trip down to Caicos Conch Farm, – a local conch conservation farm to learn all about one of TCI's national dishes.

We learnt how Conch was farmed and even got a chance to look and touch these giant sea snails!

The 30 minute Caicos Conch Farm tour began with a brief biology lesson and a description of the technology and methods developed at the Caicos Conch Farm during the past 30 years for the process of cultivating the Caribbean Queen Conch (Strombus gigas) from the hatching of eggs through metamorphosis and the post-larval stages of life.

They also met the two oldest conchs: Jerry (who is 11 years old) and Sally (who is 13 years old).

As you can tell, some of us weren't fazed at all!