Term 2 in Grade 1 is off to a fantastic start. The students have returned energized and ready to learn. In literacy we have been reinforcing the concepts learnt in the first term and building on them. We will also be exploring new concepts such as initial and final clusters, singular and plural words, learning and writing simple poems, basic story elements, language patterns and plots. We have been integrating these new concepts into our independent writing.
In Numeracy we will be building on the concepts learnt in the first term as well as exploring new concepts. These will be integrated into our daily lessons and include: place value beyond 30, mental calculation strategies incorporating the basic operations and problem solving. We have been exploring money and ‘real life situations’. We will also be exploring measurement including: weight, length, mass and estimation. We will be exploring shape and space, handling data using a block /bar graph. Grade 1 will also be looking at telling time and counting and ordering numbers above 50.
In Geography we will be exploring the weather, our local area and discussing and implementing ways in which we can make it safer. We will have fun going on an adventure with Barnaby Bear.
In our history lessons we will investigate toys of long ago and replicate those using recycled materials.
Our budding scientists are already eager to investigate different type of materials that we encounter on a daily basis we will also be exploring pushes and pulls.
Here are a few highlights from some of our activities: