With the new addition of Mr Mark Defraine, Physical Education Teacher, the children have gone sports crazy this term!
Here is his latest sports report:
"The kids have enjoyed soccer since September which started the year off great. We have some very talented soccer players throughout the grades, but most impressive is the talent shown by some of our younger players. I’d like to give a mention to both Clayton & Chris in Grade 2 who are showing some real promise, following after some of the older kids.
Swimming Lessons
The Swimming Lessons at Blue Haven went really well over at Blue Haven and the kids did the school proud. They were well behaved and seemed to really enjoy themselves. We worked on all 3 strokes – Front Crawl, Breast Stroke & Back Stroke, with all the kids showing a great improvement by the end. I’d like to give a mention to Hailie Chung who improved massively over the course of our swimming lessons and was at first very afraid to get in the water, but by the end was swimming front crawl all by herself! I was very proud of her. I’d also like to say a massive thank you to the parents and teachers that came and helped out – Nicola, Kelcey, Ms. Nesbitt and Mr. and Mrs. Chung. They made my life much easier!!
We’ve started on rugby this semester in the hopes of getting some teams together for the Inter-School’s Tag Rugby Tournament that the TCIRFU have said is to be on sometime in November. Now that swimming has finished we will be having 2 rugby sessions a week for each grade, to really push for the tournament. I’d very much like to see our school win the tournament and think it is very achievable with the kids we have.
We are moving on to cricket after Christmas and will have some coaches from the TCI Cricket Association coming in and helping out! This will be in preparation for a cricket tournament mid-Feb time, which again I think we will have a good chance at winning. We had a couple of the cricket coaches come in just before half-term break. The coaches were very impressed with the ability of our kids. Both brother and sister: Kurt & Brooke were very impressive!"