In Term 2, Grade 4 learnt about the Turks and Caicos Islands.
From labelling the islands that make up the Turks and Caicos to discussing the industries of the past and present and how they impacted our beautiful islands and our government, Grade 4 were actively engaged in activities that built on their geography and history skills.
As a culminating activity, our Grade 4 students with their teachers, Mrs. Saunders & Ms. Grace had the pleasure of going on a field trip to visit the Premier's Office.
At the Premier's Office, they met several staff who are vital in the daily running of the office.
They were fortunate enough to meet both the Premier of the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Honourable Washington Missick and the Deputy Premier, the Honourable E. Jay Saunders, who both took time out of their busy schedules to take pictures and have a question and answer session with our students.
Many got to sit in the Premier's chair in his office, which they absolutely loved!
We are lucky to live in the Turks and Caicos Islands, where our students can sit down and talk with our leaders.
It will be a day that Grade 4 will remember. A very big THANK YOU to the Premier's Office for allowing us this opportunity.