Over the past two weeks, the children in Senior Kindergarten have continued to impress their teacher, Ms. Jacqui, during their online learning sessions.
In their PSHE lessons, they have been learning about ‘Sharing and Caring’ to help develop positive skills and strategies to improve their wellbeing.
Through discussions and the use of the story, ‘Don’t Hog the Hedge’, the children demonstrated a good understanding of taking turns, listening to one another and sharing. They were also able to give examples of what would happen or how they or others would feel if they did not have and display a positive attitude.
The activities and discussions the children took part in allowed their teacher to see that they appreciate kindness and respect for members of their own family, friends and the world around them.
To end this topic, the children created a rainbow message to their friends and teachers to show that they are thinking of them during this pandemic.