Congratulations on taking the decision of admitting your child to our school. Childhood is full of exciting new experiences, which we, as parents and teachers, relive through the eyes and laughter of our children. The first day of school is an exciting milestone in your child’s life. Your child is embarking on a journey that will lead them on many roads of discovery and learning.
It has been only a few weeks of school and look how busy we have been. Our topics for this term are ‘Journeys’ for the first half of the term and then ‘Festivals and Fairy Tales' after the mid-term break. These are both exciting topics and I have a lot of interesting cross-curriculum activities planned.
As much as of the curriculum as is possible to do so, will be taught in cross-curricular manner with a mixture of well planned, child initiated, adult structured and scaffolded, whole class, small group and individual learning. This will happen in classroom, which has been organized into ‘Centers’ providing different learning opportunities.
The Learning Centers in SK will take various forms over the course of the year, but will incorporate Role Play, Creative, Maths, Writing, Reading, Phonics, Construction, ICT, Malleable, Easel and Small World.A construction centre for instance, will support Physical Development in terms of building motor control, Personal, Social and emotional Development in turn taking, Communication and Language and Literacy for pre-writing skills and communication plans and ideas, Mathematics for colour, shape and space and counting, etc.
The possibilities are endless! Let the Journey begin!