We are Maths Brainiacs
We are Maths Brainiacs!
International School Team ‘Arawaks’
Tuesday October 20th, it was the morning of Maths at the ISTCI!
All students from Grades 1-6 came to school dressed ready to represent their house teams: The house teams of Caribs, Arawaks and Tainos..
In previous years we hosted general knowledge Brainiac quizzes, which the children really enjoyed, this time the focus was on maths skills.
The teachers designed a fun quiz helping the children improve their focus, concentration, memory and of course team work. You could see the confidence soar!
Who would win this morning of Maths?
Each grade would take turns answering math questions about the concepts that they had learned so far, addition, subtraction, multiplication, place value, 3D shapes were just a few.International School Team ‘Caribs’
It was student against student putting their smarts to the test to win points for their teams. All the children entered the competition with great enthusiasm and made their teachers very proud.
International School Team ‘Tainos’
It was a fun filled morning-action packed, nail biting moments. But in the end when the numbers were totalled…..the winner was……a first in the ISTCI history…..a 3 way tie!!
The house teams of Caribs, Arawaks and Tainos were all the WINNERS!!
Congratulations students!!! We look forward to our next competition because we are Maths Brainiacs!